Friday, July 11, 2008

Coming back down to earth

It just occurred to me that today would have been a prime candidate for a binge day. After the emotional upheaval recently, followed by the fairytale to reinstate hope and faith, today I am exhausted. Unable to continue at that pace, what’s a girl to do? I mean, I just don’t see a superlative to yesterday on the horizon, so what do I do now?

Like I said, a long time ago, in another lifetime, I probably would have bought a couple of bags of groceries and binged for a few hours. Why? That’s a good question. I guess to somehow deal with the turmoil of the past few days and come to rest. By evening I would feel lousy, have a splitting headache from all that bending over the toilet, and then it might occur to me: “OH! I was just tired from the past couple of days! If I’d just breathed for a few minutes, I could have avoided this miserable waste of time, energy and money today!” Most bulimics can probably relate. Most people without eating disorders may scratch their head in disbelief. It doesn’t matter.

What I’m getting at is, today is an ordinary, uneventful day. I am using it to catch up a bit, putter, write a grocery list, go watch my son play tennis, and later I have a dentist appointment. No fairytale today, folks! I guess today I’m kind of like Snow White the day after the ball. From that perspective, that’s not so bad. The next ball is sure to come!

So, if you fall into a slump for whatever reason, take heart. Things will look up again. These breaks give us a chance for regeneration, if we can recognize the opportunity and take advantage of it. This empty space is just that. It doesn’t need to be frightening, nor does it need to be filled. We don’t need to binge to relax. Just take it easy. Or even take a nap! Days like this are also about going with the energy flow. There is simply less excitement.

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