Sunday, June 15, 2008

Clear Intentions

It took me three days to finally accomplish the big next step: getting to the store to check out music for meditation and relaxation. I kept forgetting. There was always something else to do, and I find it hard to relax sometimes. (Tomorrow!!) Luckily, we needed groceries yesterday, so I had to go out.

On the way there, I felt a sudden rush of connection and excitement. The sun was shining and I felt something churning up inside. The idea of viewing each day as an adventure came to mind. That’s nothing new, but to feel that anticipation, to “grok” it (anybody read “Stranger in a Strange Land”?), was nice. Grok means to really get something, to feel and understand it with every cell of your body. It seemed that by letting go, surrendering, and taking a step towards enhanced well-being, I was already being shown a new, more positive approach.

At the store, I was delighted to see that, at least in CD form, “Pure Peace” is quite inexpensive - only €3.99! For the price of one regular CD, I picked out three CDs - letting myself be totally influenced by the packaging and the names of the songs. I was sure that higher power (and good ad copy) would direct me well. I’m on the second CD, and quite pleased thus far.

There’s a picture of a calm sea, with mountains in the background, which just happens to be framed by a golden sunset. I’m really ready for some calmness. In space and quiet, new possibilities, new ideas can spring forth. Obviously, some of the old ones are no longer appropriate. As any creative person knows, it’s hard to produce creativity on demand. Although, the more practice one gets, the more fluid it becomes. It also helps to let up on the pressure and expectations on yourself!

Since somebody who has very similar taste to my own recommended calm music, let me pass on the suggestion. For myself, listening to loud rock/punk music is a way to express feelings (especially determination and anger) - through singing along. The serene music goes beyond those feelings to open my heart. I trust.

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